Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Why didn't they teach us this in school?

Well the final details on the website are finally coming together! But seriously, why didn't they teach us this in school? Never the less, Red Flower Photography finally has an official website...and I must say I'm so proud:) I couldn't have done it without my completely competent husband:) So, a big thank you to Chris! Have a look!!

I need to change the song...I'm already sick of it..hehe!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

{RED}FLOWER PHOTOGRAPHY's new blog! (Because I don't spend enough time on the internet)

But seriously, I love it so! I'm excited to finally get this started. I'll be on here weekly adding photos and sharing news and information. If you or anyone you know is looking to have a photo session done email me:)  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend <3